Täältä voit terveydenhuollon ammattilaisena lukea lisää webinaareistamme sekä ilmoittautua niihin.
ESPEN Highlights
This year the ESPEN 46th annual meeting is hosted in Milan the 7-10 September. If you are not able to in Milan, we would like to give you the opportunity to join our Webinar, where we will present the highlights from our symposia, product updates and lectures from the congress, along with a keynote lecture on gut microbiota and tolerance by dietitian Randi Tobberup (Ph.D klinisk ernæring, ledende klinisk diætist, Center for Ernæring og Tarmsvigt, Ålborg Universitetshospital).
2 October 2024 12.00 – 13.00 CET
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